Momentum Map is a tool for market data visualization. Drag the slider to display historical values. Description. How to use.
Interesting events: The 2002 market bottom, The 2007 market top, the 2008 Lehman Bros collapse, the 2009 market bottom, early 2018 stock melt-up and subsequent 'volquake', the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic market crash (click to view).
→ and click →
Momentum Map is a tool for market data visualization. Two measures of long-term (1 year) and short-term (1 month) momentum are plotted on two axes, forming a 2D map of oversold / overbought conditions. Current or historical values for selected assets (market sectors) can be compared against a background of such values for the main market index. It is a useful tool for studying interesting market episodes and how momentum between sectors played out.
A broader description can be found at dataviz.
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Drag / click slider above chart to jump to historical date, both on the index (upper chart), and the sector momentum map (lower chart).
Click zoom / unzoom buttons to focus on the chosen date.
The red point on the upper chart is the currently chosen date. The sector map updates to momentum values for date of the red point.
Clicking anywhere on upper chart will also zoom on currently selected red point, adjusting the slider to min/max values of the zoom. Clicking again will unzoom (return to global index chart).
You can also input points manually: via first input field (datapoint number) + clicking "submit point", or via second input field (date) + clicking "submit date". Incorrect dates (non-business day) will return 0 / undefined. Datapoint number can be any integer from 1 to .
Scroll button: zooms in on selected red point, and moves zoomed chart one point forward. Repeated clicks result in subsequent scrolling. Useful for playing out selected market event step-by-step.
Hover button: click to switch on/off between switching red point on mouse hover over chart. Useful for fast checking a market event and quick zooming (by mouse click) on interesting area. Computationally heavy, so might take the browser a bit longer.
Sector visibility: Click on any of the sector names (in legend below map area) to toggle visibility of that sector.
Download map as .png file button: clicking opens .png of momentum map for currently chosen date in new browser tab. After that right-click to save locally.
Choose file and Load file buttons: Load other asset data (stocks, sectors, currencies, bonds, futures, etc.), and check where they are on the map. Recently and historically. First choose file from local disk, then click Load file. All calculations are done in the browser, so might take a while for larger files. File must be .csv with daily price data, format of "YYYY-MM-DD, price", no headers. All other columns will be ignored. Assuming data is correct.
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Click on any event below to load map:
2002-10-09: The 2002 market bottom,
2007-10-09: The 2007 market top,
2008-09-15: The 2008 Lehman Bros collapse,
2009-03-09: The 2009 market bottom,
2018-01-26: Early 2018 stock melt-up and subsequent 'volquake',
2020-02-27: The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic market crash.
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